EARTH OBSERVATION / GIS








A decision support system for management of Natura 2000 sites was established in Lithuania for ministry of environment. A part of the project was to produce management plans for habitat areas which should be managed locally. The system is based upon reporting from the individual protected areas offices. The system should then collect information on management tasks for the individual areas are carried out and as such as a reporting system for the individual protected areas. Including conservation status of habitats and species. The system was designed to spot irregularities and summarize information to the annual reporting to EU.

The output result is that management of SPAs and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) will benefit from the development of a coherent and well functioning database as well as Geographical Information System (GIS) to support decision-making and implementation of management decisions.


Set-up of the decision support system for management of Natura 2000 protected area i Lithuania. 


Basically the management information system buids upon a database which will collect information on the practices implemented to manage the PAs. These practices will relate to different zones of the PAs and the database will make use of the existing GIS information to produce maps of all areas protected. Furthermore, information about species and habitats will be entered into the database to allow monitoring. The system is designed to collect enough information to evaluate if the management practices meet the requirements defined for the PAs.


The previous DANCEE projects have made inventories of available relevant data included in existing databases in Lithuania. Besides this information, a huge amount of data was accumulated during four field seasons of the former DANCEE projects.  


This database also includes data from remote sensing and results of analysis such as final boundaries and inner zones of the proposed areas.


As a central management system, the database will 1) monitor management practices carried out in relation to those set out by the management plans for each PA, and 2) store information from each site on the status of key protected species/habitats. The system will operate with database forms that can be used directly on the Internet, optionally linked directly to a central database. The database form contain information on:


·         Site,

·         Date of monitoring,

·         Number of species observed,

·         Reasons for deviation in monitoring guidelines/observed species,

·         Status of management tasks,

·         Reason for changes, etc.


This information will altogether produce a background to evaluate the status of specific sites as well as all sites.



Client: Ramboll/EU Phare




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